I’ve decided to stick with all six books I picked up the first week of the DC Relaunch (Batgirl is delayed until next week). It’s fun to follow a set of new books as their longer-term stories get underway, and, now that the first issue blitz is over, I found I was look at them with more of a critical eye.
Stormwatch#2 – Paul Cornell/Miguel Sepulveda, Al Barrionuevo
This book is finding its legs. I
found the first issue ambitious in the scope of its plot lines and character introductions. There’s a bit more room here to breathe, see the characters in action, and watch them interact with each other. There is still a lot going on, but the various threats the group is facing are starting to coalesce. The threats don’t necessarily tie together plot-wise, it just feels like the group is facing a lot at once, piling on top of them, and the combined pressure is getting to them. I’m really enjoying everything going on with the vengeful, angry moon, lashing out at Earth; it feels like something straight out of The Authority, and, with Henry’s allegiance to it, there’s more intrigue to this plot line. There’s an interesting dynamic set up here, as Stormwatch try to woo Apollo and Midnighter into their group, with the promise that they are high-end heroes; they don’t deal with common criminals. They have been around for centuries and their concerns are global. It’s condescending and annoying, but it works as a pitch for the series. They may think they are above everyone, but this group bickers like small children and their egos get in the way at every turn. Sepulveda's more polished artwork remains in place for the moon scenes, and is appropriate in depciting the caverns and creatures there. Al Barrioneuvo steps in for most of the rest of the issues, and he creates more vibrant, expressive figures than Sepulveda did in the first issue. There’s still something that has to come together for this book, but the ingredients are all there and simmering.
Swamp Thing#2 – Scott Snyder/Yanick Paquette
This is really good stuff. Snyder
throws us headlong into all of the backstory and where things will go from here. Alec Holland remains a strong protagonist, still morose and angry, but also resentful with “the Green,” feeling that he devoted his life to the plant world, and all it brought him was death and a bunch of bad memories. I like that he can reject the swamp creature’s proposal and still come off as heroic and likable. We learn what the book is all about, with a creature responsible for the plagues of history on the loose, and the Parliament of Trees offering Alec the role of Swamp Thing to stop it. It appears as if everything from Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing days still happened (at least in a general sense), along with the idea that Alec’s bloodline is destined to work with the Parliament and the Green. I like all of these ideas and think they set a great foundation for the book. That said, they are delivered in pages so full of dialogue that they would make a mid-1980's issue of Chris Claremont’s Uncanny X-Men look like a breezy read. In the midst of these explanations is a book chock full of horror, insect plagues, horrible creatures brandishing the faces of infants, and twisted necks. Paquette is a perfect fit. His panel layouts convey Alec’s mindset, appearing fragmented, jagged, and smashed together like his broken memories and sense of self. He transitions perfectly into the horror of the final sequences, literally having a swarm of flies fall onto the page and overtake the action. He sells the disturbing images perfectly, while depicting a damaged and unhappy protagonist at the centre of the story. And his depiction of the swamp creature withering away are wonderful, bringing back great memories of similar scenes in Moore’s issues. A somewhat wild ride, where the heavy exposition works in spite of itself to create a vibrant world and a sense of danger.
Static Shock#2 Scott McDaniel, John Rozum/Scott McDaniel
Not sure on this one. It feels a
little like a bunch of jumbled elements are struggling to come together, while a story is playing out in the background. In the first issue, it was obvious a number of elements of Static’s past were brought in without too much introduction, but it wasn’t overwhelming. I actually found it kind of charming. Here, further elements and supporting characters are mentioned, and it’s not working. If a full reboot wasn’t in the cards, the character’s past had to be either pared down or dolled out a little slower. The story is just fine, but hardly breaking barriers. The group after Static for interfering in their shady business dealings continue to pursue him, and the action scenes work well. Beyond that, not much happens. The lead character remains likable, even if his dialogue is a little exposition-heavy (particularly in the scene where he’s just talking out loud to himself), and I like his struggles to find a place for himself in his new school. McDaniel’s art works on the action scenes, with a frenetic pace and a strong, angular look, but some of the faces and settings do look a bit rushed in spots. It’s an enjoyable comic, but it struggles in comparison to the pedigree of the week’s other releases. Stellar cover, though.
Action Comics#2 – Grant Morrison/Rags Morales, Brent Anderson
This is just amazing. It’s everything I could have hoped
for. It’s got its own feel, its own energy, and its own brand of fun. This book is low tech and revels in it. It makes anything trying to be hip and modern look pathetic. A run down electric chair that looks like it belongs in a museum comes off as a terrible device of death. Superman’s jeans and t-shirt are emblems of strength and perseverance. The simple shot of an outstretched cape being shot at feels like torture is being performed. Morales creates a Superman who thrives in this world, and his playful attitude shines through. This is a fairly contained issue, set on the military compound Superman has been brought to, but it feels expansive in its reach. Lex Luthor is being crafted as a great opponent. He’s not young, cunning, and dangerous, but a bit older, desperate, and angry. I love his struggle to interpret and break down Superman, mocking his alien heritage and calling him “it,” to no avail. Superman’s portrayal is tour de force. I didn’t know what to expect from this “for the people, against The Man” hero, so I continue to be surprised by how likeable and upbeat he is. His actions are laced with anger, but he revels in heroism and taking down societal oppressors, and it’s a joy to read. His escape is a truly rousing moment. Once he breaks out of the chair, the action doesn’t let up as he plows through the military defenses. There’s a supporting cast being built up, with Lois, General Lane, and John Henry Irons making substantial appearances. Morrison also hints at a Kryptonian force aiding Lex in defeating Superman. The silent, menacing ship, apparently taking down its last son, makes for a great visual and chilling end. Morales, a fairly conventional artist in my eyes, is nonetheless building a visual world for this rough and down to earth story, so much so that Brent Anderson is able to work within that world when drawing the Lois scenes without missing a beat. Truly great stuff.
Animal Man#2 – Jeff Lemire/Travel Foreman
This book was just slightly beat
out by Action Comics as my favourite of the week. It’s still excellent stuff. It’s a perfect fusion of story and visuals. Travel Foreman creates a number of disturbing images here, from splash pages depicting grossly impregnated hippos and Buddy and Maxine’s distorted bodies as they enter the Red, to smaller details like Maxine feeding milk to her skeleton cat. These images really sell the horror at the core of the story. At the same time, he depicts the fear, anger, and worry of the human characters with intensity, knowing when to pull back on the backgrounds to emphasize the character. The opening segment deals with the fallout of the first issue’s cliffhanger in fairly disturbing fashion. I love this lengthy sequence, set in the dead of night on a quaint suburban street, but full of animal skeletons and distorted body parts. Buddy’s wife is growing into an interesting character. Harsh and rude to her husband last issue, it becomes obvious here that she acts like this because she is scared of his powers. I loved her running around in her underwear and t-shirt during this chaos; it reminded me of JoBeth Williams in a similar outfit in the climax of Poltergeist, and stressed the dangers being brought into her home. The story proper gets underway, with Buddy and Maxine traveling into the Red to right some sort of imbalance, and fix the scarring that has emerged on Buddy’s face and chest. Maxine is becoming the standout character of the book, developing powers like her father, but trying to be a calming influence in her frightened family. A really strong book, playing right to my sensibilities.